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If your home has a chimney, it is important to have it inspected on a regular basis. Many people are too lazy or don’t believe that it is worth their time and money to have their chimney inspected. Here are five ways getting regular chimney inspections will save you time and money and keep you healthy.

Prevent Problems from Escalating

Having your chimney inspected once a year will help you detect problems while they are still small. Otherwise, existing problems will stick around and get bigger and bigger. At that point, a much larger and costlier repair may be necessary.

Prevent Leaks

A common problem with chimneys is that they leak water into your home. This can be caused by a variety of problems, including a cracked crown or cracked bricks. You may not always notice the leakage as it might just damage your ceiling or the wood in your attic. An inspection will uncover any leaks.

Increase Your Home Value

A yearly chimney inspection will keep your chimney working in top shape. There will be no leaks, smoke, or other problems. This will increase the value of your home, which is great if you eventually want to rent or sell it.

Prevent Fires

Did you know that according to the NFPA, 38% of reported home heating fires involved chimneys or fireplaces? A chimney that is malfunctioning or is otherwise damaged can lead to a fire developing in your home. For your own safety and to protect your home, make sure to have your chimney inspected.

Prevent Carbon Monoxide

In addition, a chimney that is blocked or damaged can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning in your home. A yearly inspection will uncover any problems so that you can fix them right away.

For more information and help, contact us.

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