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Without a solid understanding of masonry and the work that goes into crafting a brick chimney, it’s easy to overlook or underestimate signs of damage. For example, you might think that crumbling mortar is a minor concern, especially if it’s only a little bit of damage right now. Unfortunately, even a little bit of mortar damage needs to be taken very seriously. Here are a few of the most important reasons why you should never ignore any crumbling mortar on your home’s chimney.

Deteriorating Mortar Will Worsen In Time

When mortar starts to crumble, even slightly, that’s a sign that the integrity of the mortar mixture has deteriorated. Whether it’s due to environmental exposure or mistakes in the original mixture, this deterioration won’t typically stop at just a little bit of crumbling.

Once the mortar begins deteriorating, it leaves it more vulnerable to moisture damage. The crumbled areas will be exposed to rain and humidity, absorbing water and causing the mortar to fall apart even further. Failing to seek chimney repair and repointing when you notice the mortar starting to crumble means putting your chimney at risk of continued deterioration.

Your Chimney Could Fall Apart

The mortar between the bricks serves a crucial supporting role for your chimney. That mortar is essentially the glue that holds the entire thing together. When it starts crumbling, that means your chimney’s structural integrity is threatened. If you fail to have the crumbling mortar addressed, your chimney will eventually weaken enough that it will begin to physically fall apart.

Not only will falling bricks be damaging to your chimney, they can also be damaging to your roof. The sooner you have the mortar restored, the better your chances of protecting your chimney and your home from damage.

Chimney Fires Become A Real Risk

When the mortar between your chimney bricks starts to crumble, that also means that the bricks on the inside of your chimney structure are at risk of crumbling. If this starts to happen, it disrupts the balance of the air flow inside the chimney. When the air and smoke don’t flow out the way that they are supposed to, you may develop creosote buildup in your chimney. That buildup is flammable, and one errant spark can cause a chimney fire.

While chimney fires are always a risk if you don’t clean your chimney regularly, crumbled mortar and structural damage increases that risk exponentially. For more information about protecting your home and your chimney, contact us today.

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